Invest in a solar power system today
Retirement should be something we all look forward to, and by installing a hybrid solar system, you can take control of your electricity expenses and availability.
Save on your electricity bill
Protect against future price increases
Guarantee continuity of power day or night
Reduce your carbon footprint and help reduce climate change
Solar is good for your wallet
- For the period 2002 to 2019, electricity increased by a staggering 500% in South Africa.
- Future annual increases could be in the region of between 15% to 20% compounding year on year.
- Municipalities are starting to permit the “feed-in” of surplus electricity that you might generate thereby giving you a credit on your electricity account.
- Loadshedding is set to TRIPLE in frequency and severity within three years (CSIR Report). The battery component of a hybrid system ensures your lifestyle is not affected by power outages.
FACT: Electricity produced by solar panels costs R1.20/kWh right now compared to R2.30/kWh for grid power

Solar is good for our planet
- Solar is an extremely water-wise technology. Did you know we need 3150L of water to generate 1MW of electricity from coal and 1700L of water to generate 1MW of power from nuclear power?
- A 1kW solar panel will prevent the use of 105 Gallons of Water, 170 Pounds of Coal and 300 Pounds of CO2.
- The solar industry is creating jobs for more than 35 people per MW compared to just 3 people per MW in the coal industry.
- One household can save 12 tonnes of CO2 going into the atmosphere per year by installing a solar power system to reduce their reliance on coal.
- To start reversing climate change, we would need to continue decreasing carbon emissions by 7.6% every year until 2030 – solar power is one of the few technologies that can achieve this.
- Rooftop solar provides an insulation layer, reducing internal roofspace temperatures.

Solar is unbeatable as an investment vehicle
The current return on investment per annum on R100 000 is around 5.5% for property, 6.89% for SATRIX and around 6.25% in a call account. Thanks to Eskom’s devastating price increases, you can invest that same R100 000 in a PV solar system (enough for a 5kW grid-tie) and you’re looking at returns of 40.7%.
FACT: A solar system installed in your home can add around 5% to the selling price.
Sinetech has been supplying and installing solar and standby systems for 25 years.
We guarantee all of our products and workmanship.
To begin your journey to energy independence, write to [email protected], call 011 886 7874 or complete the enquiry form below and one of our experienced technical consultants will be in touch: